Leek, pumpkin and sweet potato frittata

Leek, pumpkin & sweet potato frittata

It was so warm today!

At least, that’s what I heard. During the past couple of weeks, I’ve been very bad and have started not leaving the office during the day.

Today was no different. Even though I could see that it was gorgeous outside, and my colleague asked if I wanted to have lunch in the park, I said no because I didn’t have time.

Fortunately, after I left work it was still warm. I really wanted to have dinner outside this evening and thought that frittata would be a good alfresco meal.

Leek, pumpkin & sweet potato frittata Leek, pumpkin & sweet potato frittata

This recipe from taste.com.au was perfect for what I had in mind. It was chock full of pumpkin, sweet potato and eggy goodness. I’ve no doubt that eating outside made it taste even better.

PS: The recipe asks for brown sugar to be added to the butter before sautéing the leeks. Don’t bother – I thought that there was enough sweetness from the pumpkin and sweet potato.